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Reference List


List of references for the C-Change Project Overview

1. Climate Change Studies 

2. Community, Socioeconomic, and Institutional Analysis, Adaptation and Resilience

3. Vulnerability indices, Economics of Climate Change, and Capacity Building

4. Geographical Modelling and Analysis

5. Systems Analysis and Decision Support



1. Climate Change Studies

Australia. 2007. Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Local Government. Report by SMEC Australia to the Australian Greenhouse Office. Department of the Environment and Water Resources. 63p. www.greenhouse.gov.au. Accessed July 2008.

Bachan, Allan. 2006. Turtles and global climate change: How will climate change affect sea turtles. Turtle Village Trust, Trinidad, West Indies. (Unpublished manuscript).

Barker, Terry 2008. The economics of avoiding dangerous climate change. An editorial essay on The Stern Review. Climatic Change. 89(3-4), August. 173-194.

Bosello, F., Roson, R., and Tol, R. S. J. 2007. Economy-wide Estimates of the Implications of Climate Change: Sea Level Rise. Environmental and Resource Economics. 37(3): 549-571.

Bueno, R., Herzfeld, C., Stanton, E.A., Ackerman, F. 2008. The Caribbean and Climate Change: The Costs of Inaction. Stockholm Environment Institute and the US Center Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University. May. 35p.

Canadian Polar Commission. 2004. Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic. Report of the Canada-European Union Symposium. Brussels, March 15–16, 2004.

CBC. 2008. Canada to help poorer nations fight climate change. CBC On-line Report. cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/10/19/francophonie.html. Accessed 20 October 2008.

FAO. 2007. Fisheries and Global Climate Change. FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. www.fao.org/fi/website/FIRetrieveAction.do?dom=topic&fid=13789. Accessed June 2008.

Flannery, T. 2005. The Weather Makers: How we are changing the climate and what it means for life on earth. Harper Collins, Toronto, Canada. 356p.

Hasselmann, Klaus and Barker, Terry. 2008. The Stern Review and the IPCC fourth assessment report: implications for interaction between policymakers and climate experts. An editorial essay. Climatic Change. 89(3-4), August. 219-229.

Harvey, Nick and Nicholls, Robert 2008. Global sea-level rise and coastal vulnerability. Sustainability Science. 3(1): 5-7.

IISD. 2007. The Climate Change Knowledge Network. International Institute for Sustainable Development. www.cckn.net/about.asp. Accessed June 2008.

INC. 2000. Jamaica’s Initial National Communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Meteorological Service, Jamaica.

IPCC. 2007a. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policy Makers. International Panel on Climate Change. February. www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf. Accessed June 2008.

IPCC. 2007b. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability – Summery for Policy Makers. International Panel on Climate Change. April. www.ipcc.ch/SPM13apr07.pdf.Accessed June 2008.

IPWEA. 2008. Conference Papers: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) National Conference on Climate Change ‘Responding to Sea Level Rise’. www.ipwea.org.au/Content/Navigation Menu/SIGS/ClimateChange/ConferencePapers. Accessed 17 October 2008.

IUCN. 2007. 2007 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. www.iucnredlist.org. Accessed 21 November 2007.

Lemmen. D.S., Warren, F.J., Lacroix, J., and Bush, E. (eds.) 2008. From impacts to adaptation: Canada in a changing climate 2007. Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, 448p.

Mahlung, Clifford 2000. Adapting to Climate Change: Priority Issues for Jamaica. August, Jamaica.

Nichols, S., Chouinard, O. Onsrud, H. Sutherland, M. and Martin, G. 2006. Adaptation strategies. In Daigle, R.J. (Ed.) Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Southeastern New Brunswick: Project Report. Environment Canada, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. 609p. + annexes.

NRCan. 2008. Natural Resource Canada’s Regional Adaptation Collaboratives Program. July 2008. 12p.

Sale, P.F., et al. 2008. Stemming Decline of the Coastal Ocean: Rethinking Environmental Management. UNU-INWEH, Hamilton, Canada. 44p.

Sutherland, M., and Nichols, S. 2004. Adaptation and Disaster Mitigation Strategies: Storm Surge and Coastal Flooding Risks. Contract report prepared for the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Management, Canada, March, 39p.

Sutherland, M., Nichols, S., Ng’ang’a, S., and Cockburn, S. 2004. Traditional adaptation strategies for Sea level rise. Contract report prepared for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, May, 26p.

Taylor, M.A. 2007. Glimpses of the Future: A briefing from the PRECIS Caribbean Climate Change Project. In Taylor, M.A., et al. 2007. Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, Belmopan, Belize. 24p.

UNEP. 2007a. Global Environmental Outlook. GEO4: Environment for development. United Nations Environmental Programme. 540p.

UNEP. 2007b. Global outlook for ice and snow. Unitied Nations Environment Programme. DEW/0924/NA. 238p,

UNEP. 2006.   The State of the Marine Environment, Regional Assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, The Hague, July 2006.

von Storch, H. and Worth, K. 2008. Storm surges: Perspectives and options. Sustainability Science. 3(1): 33-43.

WCED. 1987. Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.

Weaver, A. 2008. Keeping Our Cool: Canada in a Warming World. Penguin Group (Canada), Toronto, Ontario. 323p.

UNFCCC. 2007. Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation in Developing Countries. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC). Bonn, Germany. 64p.

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2. Community, Socioeconomic, and Institutional Analysis, Adaptation and Resilience 

Adger, N.W., Hughes, T., Folke, C., Carpenter, S. and Rockstrom, J. 2005. Social-Ecological Resilience to Coastal Disasters. Science. 309, August 12, 1036-1039.

Berkes, F., et al. 2006. Ecology: Globalization, roving bandits, and marine resources. Science, 311(5167): 1557-1558.

Berkes, F., Huebert, R., Fast, H.. Manseau, M., and Diduck, A. 2005. Breaking Ice: Renewable resource and ocean management in the Canadian North. The plain language version. University of Calgary Press. 396p.

Berkes, F. and Folke, C. 2002. Back to the Future: Ecosystem Dynamics and Local Knowledge. In Gunderson H. L. and Holling C.S.(Eds.) Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. Island Press, Washington.

Bryant, R. C. 1999. “Community Change in Context”. In, Pierce T. J. and Dale, A. (Eds.), Communities, Development, and Sustainability across Canada. UBC Press, Vancouver.

Canada. 2007. Community Information Database. Canadian Rural Partnership. Agriculture Canada.www.cid-bdc.ca. Accessed 17 November 2007.

C-CIARN. 2007. The status of climate change impacts and adaptation from the perspective of C-CIARN regions: State of play reports (Atlantic, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prairies, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic), (Agriculture, Coastal Zone, Fisheries, Forests, Health, Water Resources). Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN). Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa.

Ecology Action Center. 2007. Changing Climate, Changing coasts: Report from the June 6th 2007 Learning Circle on climate change impacts and adaptation in Nova Scotia.

Government of New Brunswick. 2002. A coastal areas protection policy for New Brunswick. The Sustainable Planning Branch, New Brunswick Department of the Environment and Local Government, Fredericton, NB.

Government of New Zealand. 2008. Coastal hazards and climate change: A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand. 2nd Ed. Revised by Ramsay, D. and Bell, R. (NIWA). Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. viii+127 p.

Foster, M.E., and Deveau, M. 2002. The value of the ocean’s sector to the economy of Prince Edward Island. Prepared for the Government of Canada and the PEI Depts. of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment, Development and Technology, and Tourism PEI. March 2002.

Gunderson, L.H., Holling, C.S. (Eds.) 2002. Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in human and natural systems. Island Press, Washington. 507p.

Hempel C. Lamont 1999 “Conceptual and Analytical Challenges in Building Sustainable communities”, In Mazmanian A. D. and Kraft E. M., Toward Sustainable Communities – Transition and Transformations in Environmental Policy. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Hennessey, R. and Dollin, P. 2007. Managing climate change risks for natural resources in Atlantic Canada. C-CIARN. Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa.

Mandale, M. 1998. Estimating the economic value of coastal and ocean resources: The case of Nova Scotia. Prepared for the Oceans Institute of Canada and the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee. Feb 1998.

Maser, C. 1997. Sustainable Community Development – Principles and Concepts. St. Lucie Press, Delray Beach, Florida.

Mehdi, B., Mrena, C. and Douglas, A. 2006. Adapting to climate change: An introduction for Canadian municipalities. C-CIARN, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa.

Lane. D.E. 1999a. Property rights and governance in Canadian fisheries. Optimum, The Journal of Public Sector Management. 29(1): 1-8.

Lane, D.E. 1999b. Applications of rights-based fisheries: experiences and consequences. In, Hatcher, A., and Robinson, K. (Eds.), The Definition and Allocation of Use Rights in European Fisheries. Proceedings of the second workshop held in Brest, France, 5-7 May, 1999. EU Concerted Action on Economics and the Common Fisheries Policy. 19-61.

Lane, D.E. and Stephenson, R.L. 2000. Institutional arrangements for fisheries: alternative structures and impediments to change. Marine Policy. 24: 385-393.

Nee, V. 2005. The New Institutionalism in Economics and Sociology. In, Smeltser, N. J. and Swedberg, R. (Eds.), The Handbook of Economic Sociology, (2nd Ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 49-74.

O’Riordan, T. and Church, C. 2001. Synthesis and context. In, O’Riordan T. (Ed.) Globalism, Localism & Identity. Earthscan Publication, London.

O’Riordan, T. and Jordon, A. 1998. Institutions, climate change and cultural theory: towards a common analytical framework. Global Environmental Change. 9: 81-93.

Pelling, M. and Hugh, C. 2005. Social Learning and Adaptation to Climate Change. Benfield Hazard Research Centre, Disaster Studies Working Paper 11: 1-19.

Portes, A. 2006. Institutions and Development: A Conceptual Analysis. Population and Development Review. 32(2): 233-262.

Wall, E., Armstrong, M. and Manituakul, S.D. 2006. Climate change and Canadian society: Social science research issues and opportunities. C-CIARN Symposium Report. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June 2005.

Watson, T. R. 2001. Climate Change 2001 – Synthesis report. Cambridge University Press.



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3. Vulnerability indices, Economics of Climate Change, and Capacity Building 

Adger, W.N. 2006. Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change. 16: 268-281.

Adger, W.N. 2003. Social Capital, Collective Action, and Adaptation to Climate Change. Economic Geography. 79(4): 387-404.

Adger, W.N. 1999. Social Vulnerability to Climate Change and Extremes in Coastal Vietnam. World Development. 27(2): 249-269.

Adger, W.N. and Kelly, P.M.. 1999. Social Vulnerability to Climate Change and the Architecture of Entitlements. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 4: 253-266.

Adger, W.N. and O’Riordan, T. 2000. Population, Adaptation and Resilience. In, O’Riordan, T. (Ed.), Environmental Science for Environmental Management, 2nd ed. Routledge, 149 – 170.

Adger, W.N., P.M. Kelly and N.H. Ninh. 2001. Living with Environmental Change: Social Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in Vietnam. Routledge, London.

Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., Wisner, B., 1994. At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disasters. Routledge, London.

Briguglio, L. 1995. Small island developing states and their economic vulnerabilities. World Development. 23(9): 1615-1632.

Briguglio, L., Cordina, G., Farrugia, N. and Vella, S. 2006. Conceptualising and Measuring Economic Resilience. In, Briguglio, L., Cordina, G., and Kisanga, E.J. (Eds.), Malta: Building the Economic Resilience of Small States. Islands and Small States Institute and London Commonwealth Secretariat. 265-287.

Canada. 2008. Emergency Preparedness in Canada. Report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. Volume 1. Second Session, 39th Parliament. September 2008.

GECHS. 2005. Hurricane Katrina Reveals Challenges to Human Security. Aviso. An Information Bulletin on Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS). 14, October. 7p.

Matthews, R. and Young, N. 2005. Development on the Margin: Development Orthodoxy and the Success of Lax Kw’alaams, British Columbia. The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development. 4(2): 100-108.

National Wildlife Federation. 2008. Increasing vulnerability to hurricanes: Global warming’s wake-up call for the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. www.nwf.org/extremeweather/pdfs/Hurricanes_FNL_LowRes.pdf (Assessed October 2008).

Nicholls, R. J., Wong, P.P., Burkett, V., Woodroffe, C. D., and Hay, J. 2008. Climate change and coastal vulnerability assessment: scenarios for integrated assessment. Sustainability Science. 3(1): 89-102.

Pelling, M. 1997. What determines vulnerability to floods; a case study of Georgetown, Guyana. Environment and Urbanization. 9(1): 203-226.

Pelling, M. 1999. The political ecology of flood hazard in urban Guyana. Geoforum. 30: 249-261.

Pelling, M. and Uitto, J.I. 2001. Small island developing states: natural disaster vulnerability and global change. 3: 49-62.

Smit, B., I. Burton, R.J.T. Klein and J. Wandel. 2000. An Anatomy of Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability. Climate Change. 45(1): 223-51.

Stern, N. 2007. The economics of climate change: the Stern review. Cambridge University Press.

Wisner, B. 2004. Assessment of Capability and Vulnerability. In Bankoff, G., Frerks, G., Hilhorst, D. (Eds.), Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development, and People. pp.183-193. Earthscan, London, U.K.

Yohe, G.W. and Tol, R.S. 2008. The Stern Review and the economics of climate change: an editorial essay. Climatic Change. 89(3-4), August, 231-240.

Yohe, G. and R.S. J. Tol. 2002. Indicators for Social and Economic Coping Capacity –Moving Toward a Working Definition of Adaptive Capacity. Global Environmental Change. 12: 25-40.

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4. Geographical Modelling and Analysis 

C-CIARN. 2005. Communities and climate change impacts, Adaptation and vulnerability. Report from the C-CIARN Special Session at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual General Meeting, Moncton, NB, 27-28 May 2004.

Dawson, J. 2002. Identifying vulnerability to climate change and the challenges of adaptation for Canada’s coastal communities. C-CIARN Coastal Zone Report 04-2.

Environment Canada. 2006. Impacts of sea-level rise and climate change on the coastal zone of Southeastern New Brunswick. Government of Canada, Cat. No. En84-45/2006-1.

Environment Canada. 2004. Coastal Impacts of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Prince Edward Island: New Brunswick Sea Level Rise Model. atlantic-web1.ns.ec.gc.ca/slr/default.asp (Accessed September 2008).

Forbes, D. L., Parkes, G. S. and Ketch, L. A. 2006. Sea-level rise and regional subsidence. In Daigle, R.J. (Ed.), Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Southeastern New Brunswick: Project Report. Environment Canada, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, 609p. + annexes.

Krassovski, M. 2005. Coastal sea level response to Hurricane Katrina. Institute of Ocean Sciences and University of Victoria Unpublished Paper, October 24, 2005, p6. http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/oceans/tsunamis/documents/KatrinaReport-Revised.pdf (Accessed September 2008).

Marsh, P. and Schmidt, T. 1993. Influence of a Beaufort Sea Storm Surge on Channel Levels in the Mackenzie Delta. Arctic. 48(1): 35-41.

Mcinnes K. L., Walsh, K .J. E., Hubbert, G.D. and Beer, T.I. 2003. “mpact of Sea-level Rise and Storm Surges on a Coastal Community. In Natural Hazards, 30(2), October 2003 , 187-207.

McCulloch, M., Forbes, D.L., Shaw, R.W., and CCAF a041 Scientific Team. 2002. Coastal impacts of climate change and sea level rise on Prince Edward Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4261.

Parlee, K. 2004. The highs and lows of water level: Reducing the vulnerability of coastal communities to water level change. C-CIARN Coastal Zone Report 04-1.

Parlee, K. 2004. Reducing the vulnerability of coastal trails and boardwalks to storm surge, flooding, erosion and sea ice. C-CIARN Coastal Zone Report 04-3, Coastal Zone Coordinating Office, 35pp.

Parlee, K. 2004. Reducing the Vulnerability of Coastal Trails & Boardwalks to Storm Surge, Flooding, Erosion & Sea Ice. C-CIARN Coastal Zone Report 04-3, 2004. Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network Coastal Zone Coordinating Office, 35 pp.

Sutherland, M., Zhao, Y. Lane, D. and Michalowski, W. 2007. Estimating Cumulative Effects using Spatial Data: An aquaculture case study. Geomatica, 61(1): 349-353.

Usery, E. L. 2007. Modeling Sea-Level Rise Effects on Population using Global Elevation and Land-Cover Data. Paper presented at the Meeting of the AAG, San Francisco, California, April 17-21.

Walker, I. J. and Barrie, J. V. 2004. Geomorphology and sea-level rise on one of Canada’s most ‘sensitive’ coasts: Northeast Graham Island, British Columbia. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 39.

World Climate Change Research Programme. 2005. Understanding Sea Level Rise and Variability. Summary Statement of the World Climate Change Research Programme Workshop, Guayaquil, Equador, March 2005.

Woth, K., Weisse, R., and von Storch, H. 2005. Dynamical modeling of North Sea storm surge extremes under climate change conditions – an ensemble study. Institute of Coastal Research Report, 31p. Published by GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH.

Zhao, Y., Lane, D.E., Michalowski, W., Stephenson, R.L., and Page, F. 2008. Integrated Systems Analysis for Coastal Aquaculture. American Fisheries Symposium. 49: 497-813.

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5. Systems Analysis and Decision Support 

Bjørndal, T., Lane, D.E., and Weintraub, A. 2004. Operational research models and the management of fisheries and aquaculture: A review. European Journal of Operational Research. 156: 533-540.

Checkland, P.B. 1992. Systems and scholarship: the need to do better. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 43(11): 1023-1030.

Forrester, J.W., 1973. World Dynamics (2 ed.). Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA.144p.

Lane, D.E. 2007. Planning in Fisheries related Systems: Multicriteria models for decision support. In Bjorndal, T. (Ed.), Handbook on Operations Research in Natural Resources. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Springer. 237-272.

Lane, D.E. 2008. Fishing in the NAFO Regulatory Area: Integrated Modeling of Resources, Social Impacts and Fleet Viability. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 39(8): 119-145.

Lane, D.E. 2007. Spatial-temporal Stock Assessment Analysis with Application to the Scotia-Fundy Herring Fishery. In Bjorndal, T., Gordon, D., Arnason, R., and Sumaila, U. (Eds), Advances in Fisheries Economics. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Gordon Munro. Blackwell Publishing. 283-303.

Lane, D.E. and Stephenson, R.L. 1999. Fisheries management science: a framework for the implementation of fisheries-management systems. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 56:1059-66.

Lane, D. E. and Stephenson R. L. 1998a. Fisheries Co-management: Organization, Process, and Decision Support. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 23:251-265.

Lane, D.E. and Stephenson, R.L. 1998b. Toward a Framework for Risk Analysis in Fisheries Decision Making. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 55(1):1-13.

Major, D.C., Rosenzweig, C., Demong, K., and Horton, R. 2006. Managing risk by adapting to climate change planning for New York City’s water supply, sewer, and wastewater treatment systems. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. November 6-9.

Michalowski, W., Szapiro, T. 1992. A Bi-reference procedure for interactive multiple criteria programming. Operations Research. 40(2), March-April, 247-258.

Noble, D., Burce, J., and Egener, M. 2005. An overview of the risk management approach to adaptation to climate change in Canada. Natural Resources Canada Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate.

Pidd, M. (Ed.) 2008. Systems Modelling: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons, London.

Saaty, T.L. 1980. The Analytic Hierarchy Process. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Senge, P. 1990. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. Doubleday.

Sterman, J.D. 2000. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston.

Xue, L., Lane, D.E. 2007. Evaluation of Strategic Policies for Fisheries Systems. American Fisheries Symposium. 49: 1149-1164.

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